Saturday, March 1, 2008


So my children have found a new channel on TV that they seem to be enjoying. That for the most part, is very family friendly. The channel I speak of it Teletoon Retro. It's all the tv shows that I grew up with, such as The Flintstones, RocketRobinhood, the old Scooby get the idea. They are loving it, and I love that it's cartoons that I don't need to worry about, unlike some of the other "cartoon" channels.

What troubles me, is the commercials they show, why oh why...and did I say WHY? Do they have to ruin a perfectly good channel with highly inappropriate commercials. I have seen text/dating messaging, pregnancy tests, highly sexual redbull, always pads, among other things, infact, I'm not sure if I have seen any "kid/toy" commercials on it.

It's obvious to me, that they are under the (wrong) impression that their target audience is 30 somethings, such as myself. Do they really think that they have 30 year olds out there, sitting around, doing nothing all day but watching their old favorites...PLEASE!!!!!!!!

While I admit, there would be the odd one, come on...who is watching this stuff...KIDS!!!!! And mine don't need to see all these garbagey commercials. I really don't need/want to be explaining this stuff to my well under the age of needing to know kids.

WHY do they do this?

I also have a beef for some of the other cartoon channels, who not so late at night play highly offensive cartoons.... can they not leave this for the "other"channels. There has been the odd sick night, when my kids have been up late, and looky looky, at the scary offensive garbage they they can surf through, in their regular cartoon channels. I know there is other garbage on other channels, but they know that that set of channels is okay for them...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Some of these shows, have scared my kids, some of it flies over their heads, while other stuff, I am stuck explaining, prematurely.

I know, the tv could get shut off, but it just shouldn't have to be that way... why are these people wanting my kids to grow up so dang quick. LET THEM BE KIDS!!!!!

Okay my rant is over, I think I shall shoot an email off to them, and let them know just how I feel.


Dani said...

I don't think that any "childrens channels" should have commercials!!
(The one thing that I do like about Treehouse!!)

Now that Lijie is getting older and watching channels other than TreeHouse..(YTV, Teletoon, etc etc..) I have noticed that he knows all the names of these new toys, and ASKS for them incessantly. It drives me NUTS!

Here Here!! Let them be kids!!
I whole heartedly agree.
It wasn't so bad when they were tiny and couldn't comprehend the meaning of a commercial...but now that they are getting just makes it harder fielding all these questions that they are to young to understand the answers to.

Hope Walls said...

We found a fwe multi-DVD packs of the old cartoons in the 2fer10 bargain bin at Wally World a few months ago, and they get watched more than anything else. Sometimes i miss cable, but mostly I'm glad I don't have it... lol

Brainwashing starts young. Marketers are clever folks in that htey know a child who whines enough maybe not always, but sometimes, receives...

andrea said...

hey mama, i just found your blog and you're PREGNANT!!!! congrats! i need to get my sweet toosh on mh and get updated!

*waves and a smile!*

Erin said...

Hi Andrea!!!! How are you...
yes, I'm pregnant...AGAIN!! LOL

Good to hear from you, now get yer hiney over to mh and join us again!!!