Saturday, March 22, 2008


Well, it's been a bit since I updated.

My pregnancy is trucking right along. I am nearly 20 weeks, which equals half way done. I have days when I feel good, I have days when I feel really ill. The days I feel ill, usually coincide with me telling people that I am feeling better. Why does it happen like that?

I'm having some issues that are putting this pregnancy into the higher risk category. But I am getting over the intial fear/shock of it. I am learning that there isn't a thing I can do about it(and oh how I hate that) and that I need to take it one day at a time.

My hormones are all over the place, oh the joys of pregnancy...stop the ride, I wanna get off.
I have yet to even crack open a baby name book. That one feels so hopeless. A boys name will be incredibly difficult for me.And of course it is always left up to me to come up with a name, and Henry usually yay's or nay's it. Maybe this time I should leave it all up to him.

Adaira has had her 5th birthday. Funny how what seemed to be a HUGE number with the first born, isn't so big with the second born. She had a grand party, with friends from preschool and Sunday school. I think that was VERY helpful in cementing some friendships at preschool, she was having a bit of a hard time with that.

I think that is all for them moment. I'll try to update sooner, perhaps after my ultrasound on Friday. Wow...guess I really do have a bebe growing inside me!!!!


The Gilbert Family said...

Are updates with no pictures allowed?


Looking forward to the ultrasound results!

Hope Walls said...

I'm looking forward to the u/s too!

Have I ever mentioned that 'Hope' is a nice name for a girl?

I can't believe you're haldway done already. Yeesh!

Carol Kerfoot said...

How did the Ultrasound go?

Carol Kerfoot said...

oh and carol is unisex

Carol Kerfoot said...

ERIN!!!!!! its Saturday!!!!!!!