Saturday, October 25, 2008

The rest of the story

The new bebe
Henry's new job!!!!!

So, I'm told I am a true how true.

What has been going on, well I guess it's a little like what hasn't been going on.

Silas, my lovely little man was born August 17th...9lbs 9 oz. The cord tightly around his neck, and shoulder stuck as usual. All par for the course around here it seems. When Silas was born, I noticed a ridge on his head, and that his soft spot felt odd. I brushed it off, yet it always caught my eye.

At our 6 week appointment, I mentioned it to the doctor. He felt it, and we both agreed his soft spot was closing. He thought it may be something called craniosynostosis. Translation...his skulls' sutures are closing and fusing up too quickly, which will not allow for brain growth, will cause inter cranial pressure, which will put pressure on his eyes, can cause blindness, seizures etc. And in general pain. the remedy for this is surgery, where they open up the skull, take a strip out, then close him back up...a helmet for shaping is a possibility.

So, it's been a lot to absorb, alot of research. And the appointments with specialists have begun. The pediatrician has ordered an MRI and wants us to see an eye specialist, for something called strabismus...which is related to the cranio.

The pediatrician is not convinced it's cranio...but not convinced that it's not. Really he basically wants to tell me NOTHING. Frustrating.

So we wait for more appointments.

In other the same 6-8 week period, Henry lost his mother to ovarian cancer. She was sick for about a year, but never really complained or saw the doctor... then when she finally went it wasn't caught, then when she went back, it was too late. She did live to see Silas, she lived 2 weeks past his birth. When I was pregnant I had asked her to make a 'rag blanket' for Silas, as time passed by, I knew she wouldn't be able to, so I asked a friend to make it instead. I was sad that this would be my only baby that didn't have a blanket from his grandma. Henry's mom never said a word... but at thanksgiving in her sewing room, I looked (and it had NOT been there the last time I looked) and saw squares in boy colours no less, all cut out, and some of them sewen together already, I knew and we all agreed it must have been for Silas...she had started, but would have had to have started before she knew if it was a boy or girl...but I guess somehow she knew. Anyways, my sister in law looks at me and says..."Erin, I will finish it for you" I was nearly crying, and well Henry didn't fair as well. I was so touched. It will be the most special blanket, there ever was made.

Henry also lost his job, 2 weeks after his mom passed away. Nice!

But it's all for the best, he is now working for the transcanada pipeline that is coming in from Alberta, he works for a company called Banister....and well, let's just say, I think he's really enjoying it, and we shouldn't have to worry about money anymore...YAY!

And that my friends is life with four kids in the first 6-8 weeks...there is more (illness beyond colds and more specialist appointments for Henry and I both, that really, I just won't even get into right now)...and the death of another dear old friend. It's been a tiring, emotionally draining yet wondrous time. Time for bed...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I was tagged by Carol The topic is to share six unimportant things about myself and then to tag six other people to do the same thing.Here are the rules:1. Link back to the person who tagged you.2. Post these rules on your blog.3. Share six unimportant things about yourself.4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry.

1. My feet grow with pregnancy from a size 8 to a size 10 and only shrink back once I have lost all the weight.

2. I'm really BAD at baking

3. I'm very competitive

4. I'm a night owl and an insomniac at the best of times.

5. My favorite movie is StarWars episode 5

6. I love the smell of the lake, and the sounds of the seagulls

I will tag


Friday, April 4, 2008

The Bebe Froese

I am back from my ultrasound. I think that was the best ultrasound tec I have ever had. She didn't make me change, she let me pee when she was done looking at the placenta/cervix. She talked lots with me...ahhh what a nice change.Right aways, she let me know, that there was ONE baby!!!! And none hiding!!One very cute baby, I might add.
Very active (oyi) she had a hard time getting the heartbeat, had to get me to flip on my side. A couple of times she passed over the nether regions, and I caught just a glimpse, yet really not enough to make an educated guess. I could guess at girl, but I may be dead wrong. Still I like not knowing.She said everything looked great, the baby is measuring larger then it should by a little more then a week...but gee we all knew that didn't we.
Thoughts? Guesses? Carol? LOL

Saturday, March 29, 2008


So carol, keeps bugging me!!LOL

I'm sorry to report that my pregnancy hormones got me very confused about when my ultrasound was. I always knew it was on the 4th, my mind...that was this past week...

Sorry, my ultrasound is this coming up Friday April 4th

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Well, it's been a bit since I updated.

My pregnancy is trucking right along. I am nearly 20 weeks, which equals half way done. I have days when I feel good, I have days when I feel really ill. The days I feel ill, usually coincide with me telling people that I am feeling better. Why does it happen like that?

I'm having some issues that are putting this pregnancy into the higher risk category. But I am getting over the intial fear/shock of it. I am learning that there isn't a thing I can do about it(and oh how I hate that) and that I need to take it one day at a time.

My hormones are all over the place, oh the joys of pregnancy...stop the ride, I wanna get off.
I have yet to even crack open a baby name book. That one feels so hopeless. A boys name will be incredibly difficult for me.And of course it is always left up to me to come up with a name, and Henry usually yay's or nay's it. Maybe this time I should leave it all up to him.

Adaira has had her 5th birthday. Funny how what seemed to be a HUGE number with the first born, isn't so big with the second born. She had a grand party, with friends from preschool and Sunday school. I think that was VERY helpful in cementing some friendships at preschool, she was having a bit of a hard time with that.

I think that is all for them moment. I'll try to update sooner, perhaps after my ultrasound on Friday. Wow...guess I really do have a bebe growing inside me!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Done...oh so done!

That was it, the last evening of Canskate. We were going 2 days a week, and it was getting exhausting for everyone. I think leif especially. He didn't even want to go to his last "carnival" so to speak, he was just done! But we made him! When he began this october, he couldn't even walk on the ice. He now skates backwards, forwards, can jump, turn around, stop, and skate pretty darn fast. We're so proud of him, even if he was miserable about it!

Adaira is begging to skate next year...I don't know if I can take it again!

We may skip a year, especially with a newborn and a toddler!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


So my children have found a new channel on TV that they seem to be enjoying. That for the most part, is very family friendly. The channel I speak of it Teletoon Retro. It's all the tv shows that I grew up with, such as The Flintstones, RocketRobinhood, the old Scooby get the idea. They are loving it, and I love that it's cartoons that I don't need to worry about, unlike some of the other "cartoon" channels.

What troubles me, is the commercials they show, why oh why...and did I say WHY? Do they have to ruin a perfectly good channel with highly inappropriate commercials. I have seen text/dating messaging, pregnancy tests, highly sexual redbull, always pads, among other things, infact, I'm not sure if I have seen any "kid/toy" commercials on it.

It's obvious to me, that they are under the (wrong) impression that their target audience is 30 somethings, such as myself. Do they really think that they have 30 year olds out there, sitting around, doing nothing all day but watching their old favorites...PLEASE!!!!!!!!

While I admit, there would be the odd one, come on...who is watching this stuff...KIDS!!!!! And mine don't need to see all these garbagey commercials. I really don't need/want to be explaining this stuff to my well under the age of needing to know kids.

WHY do they do this?

I also have a beef for some of the other cartoon channels, who not so late at night play highly offensive cartoons.... can they not leave this for the "other"channels. There has been the odd sick night, when my kids have been up late, and looky looky, at the scary offensive garbage they they can surf through, in their regular cartoon channels. I know there is other garbage on other channels, but they know that that set of channels is okay for them...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Some of these shows, have scared my kids, some of it flies over their heads, while other stuff, I am stuck explaining, prematurely.

I know, the tv could get shut off, but it just shouldn't have to be that way... why are these people wanting my kids to grow up so dang quick. LET THEM BE KIDS!!!!!

Okay my rant is over, I think I shall shoot an email off to them, and let them know just how I feel.